Residents, businesses, or organizations in Mayo, Maryland may register a domain name under MAYO.MD.US. There may be a nominal fee (*). You may have either a delegated subdomain such as YOUR-NAME.MAYO.MD.US (requires your own DNS server) or merely several domain name resource records ("RRs"; for when you have no nameserver of your own). Some names are reserved for the community and local entities. This is as per the rules at the US Domain NIC. By registering a domain name under MAYO.MD.US, you acquire nothing more than the use of the domain name. It does not include an email address or a website. To arrange for a website at that domain name or to receive email at that address, you need to either have your own mail or web server (with a dedicated Internet connection) or you need to arrange with an ISP to host the domain. To register a domain, send an email to Please give some identification to show residency or location in Mayo, Maryland, the subdomain name you are requesting, and the specifics of your subdomain. Please include the hostnames and IP addresses of two independent DNS servers. (If you need a primary or secondary DNS server, consider something like Namescheap), which provides a free DNS service. All domain registrations will have a Responsible Person resource record included with the owners email address. Most requests are processed within 48-hours of receipt. I promise that all approved requests will be processed within two weeks. This is not a 24-hour per day service, and I may not always be available to respond. so please be patient.
Unlike many other locality domains, the MAYO.MD.US domain name is run on a volunteer basis by a resident of Mayo, Maryland. To contact me, email me at In 2000, I wanted to register my personal Unix system at the MAYO.MD.US domain. Because it didn't exist, I decided to apply for the domain delegation, so that I could register my system in it and make it easily available to others who also wished to do so and to prevent a commercial enterprise from this domain and commercializing it. I operate the servers for MAYO.MD.US as a community service. Registrations under MAYO.MD.US are available to all residents, businesses, and organizations in Mayo, Maryland.
*There may be fee for registration of Domain names requested by residents, businesses and organizations. Requests to register domain names by a third party registrar will not be accepted. All registrations must be direct. All of the goods and services being used to support the MAYO.MD.US domain are being furnished by various entities. Allowing a third-party to profit by positioning itself between these providers of services and the end-user would be a violation of the agreements under which the service providers are making their services available. This is a not-for-profit community service. ©2001-2017 Please contact webmaster with questions or comments regarding this page. |